简介:CBC(北京)信用管理有限公司 美国CBC集团公司成立于1948年,为美国著名的金融服务公司之一。在全美境内拥有七十多家分支机构和五万多家长期公司客户, 为大型商业公司及非盈利团体提供信用信息、风险管理和直接市场营销等服务。 CBC(北京)信用管理有限公司为美国CBC集团公司于2005年在中国注册的子公司。 公司的宗旨是为中国的金融机构和其它与信贷相关的企业和机构提供与信用评估与风险管理有关的现代化产品和服务。 其中包括:个人或企业的信用报告、信用评分、企业信用评级。 并帮助金融信贷机构客户进行信贷的风险分析、风险管理和风险控制等专项服务。 这个快速成长中的公司现诚聘兼具能力与活力的专业人士加盟。 CBC-Companies, one of the financial service companies in the front rank in the United States, was established in 1948. It now has more than seventy branch offices all over the US and provides services to more than fifty thousand long-term corporate customers nationwide. CBC Companies provides full service such as credit information service, risk management and direct marketing etc. CBC (Beijing) Credit Management Co. is a subsidiary of CBC Companies registered in China in 2005. We committed to offer the most advanced products and services related to credit evaluation and risk management etc. for the financial institutions of China and other customers needing credit consulting. We are looking for talented, energetic people with the related background who would like to join a fast growing and exciting organization.
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