简介:内蒙古空港航空食品有限责任公司于2013年5月13日注册成立,公司由海航集团旗下易食集团股份有限公司与内蒙古自治区民航机场集团有限责任公司共同出资成立,由海航集团旗下易食集团股份有限公司控股管理。 公司目前旗下经营管理呼和浩特白塔国际机场航空配餐、鄂尔多斯伊金霍洛机场航空配餐、包头二里半机场航空配餐、呼和浩特白塔国际机场职工餐厅、包头二里半机场职工餐厅、呼和浩特政协补习班食堂,六家餐饮类企业。 公司主要经营范围:餐饮服务;航空食品生产加工;机供品供应;工艺美术品、日用品的销售;保洁服务、洗涤服务;生产加工销售中西式糕点(含裱花蛋糕);航空食品、定型包装、预包装食品(凭许可证经营);新鲜水果、新鲜蔬菜、快餐盒饭、热饮(凭许可证经营);食品配送服务(凭许可证经营);搬运服务;农副产品加工及销售;粮油食品的销售(凭许可证经营)。 公司主要为海南航空公司、首都航空公司、天津航空公司、中国国际航空公司、中国联合航空公司、中国东方航空股份有限公司、南方航空股份公司、加拿大航空公司、台湾长荣航空公司、台湾远东航空、四川航空公司、厦门航空公司、上海航空公司、上海吉祥航空公司等31家航空公司提供餐食及服务保障。 公司目前开展的自检项目有:1.微生物检测项目:大肠菌群,2.理化检测项目:PH值、水份、总酸、亚硝酸盐。良好的硬件设施为生产出高品质的产品打下了坚实的基础。 内蒙古空港航空食品有限责任公司作为内蒙古第一家以航空配餐为主业的餐饮公司,进军内蒙古餐饮市场后,充分发挥餐饮专业的优势。在现代社会,一个以餐饮为主的公司,凭靠专业口碑、纯天然营养材料等,构成餐饮行业的竞争优势。顺应现代人员对健康需求的趋势,公司高级营养师亲自制定膳食结构菜单,不断创新营养文化。都将成为内蒙古空港航空食品有限责任公司市场竞争的主要优势。 Inner Mongolia Airport Catering co., LTD was founded in May 13, 2013.The company is a joint venture between HNA E-Food co., LTD, which controlled by Hainan Airlines and Inner Mongolia Hohhot International Airport co., LTD. The company’s management is controlled by HNA E-Food co., LTD. The company includes Hohhot international airport catering, Ordos airport catering, Baotou airport catering, staff restaurant of Baotou, staff restaurant of Hohhot and the dinning hall of tutoring center in Hohhot. There are all together six catering companies. Main products and services: Catering services; airline food production and processing;onboard food supply;arts and crafts、daily necessities;cleaning services、washing services;production、processing and sales of Chinese and western pastry(including decorative cakes); airline food、stereotyped packaging foods、prepackaged foods(with valid business license);fresh fruit、fresh vegetables 、fast food、hot drinks; food delivery services(with valid business license); transportation and handling services; agricultural and sideline products processing and sales; grain and oil food sales(with valid business license).Our company now serves mainly for Hainan Airlines、Capital Airlines、Tianjin Airlines、Air China、China United Airlines、China Eastern Airlines、China Southern Airlines、Air Canada、Eva Air 、Far Eastern Airlines in Taiwan、Sichuan Airlines、Xiamen Airlines、Shanghai Airlines、Juneyao Airlines,etc. So far, we provide catering services for 31 airlines. Our company now carry out self-inspection programs: 1. the microbiological testing program: coliform bacteria, 2. the physical and chemical testing programs: PH, moisture content, total acid, and nitrite. Excellent hardware facilities have laid a solid foundation for producing high quality products. As the first air catering company entering into Inner Mongolia market , Inner Mongolia Airport Catering co., LTD shows the advantages of catering industry. In modern society, a catering company wins its competitive advantage by its professional reputation and natural nutritional materials,and so on. To cater for health demands of modern people, senior nutritionists develop diet menu and create new nutrition culture, which will become competitive advantage of Inner Mongolia Airport Catering co., LTD.
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